NOA - Hypocritical (Lyric Video)

After a recent breakup, NOA shares her experience by giving others a voice through her music. The Toronto, CA, native unveils her brand new single, "Hypocritical." NOA gives us a brief detail of how this song was put together. 

‘Hypocritical’ was inspired by my own breakup aftermath; the realization that everything I didn't want my ex to be doing, I was doing myself. In a post-breakup state, it’s so easy to get hung up on wanting your ex back, or at least not wanting him to move on, but in reality, whether you recognize it or not, you’re likely already moving on. Seeing my ex’s Instagram stories and Snapchats really highlighted these ‘Hypocritical’ feelings for me. Sometimes it’s okay to go through the motions and have these thoughts, but at the end of the day we have to face ourselves in the mirror and continue to grow from the ups and downs. 

Hypocritical is now available everywhere:


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