Q The Question: I'm The Next CEO In Hip Hop and Shawn Archer Is The Hottest Rapper in Philly

The tag team of controversy Q The Question and Shawn Archer continues to thumb their noses at their detractors on social media.  Their pure arrogance has rubbed some the wrong way and truthfully I think they revel in it.  SKE CEO and promoter Q The Question has unleashed a PSA on social media as he proclaims to be the next music mogul on the rise. The Philly native breaks down how the other promoters are not on his level as he will simply out work them.  Q doubles down on his claim that "Shawn Archer is not only the hottest rapper in Philly but in the music industry.  These are some bold claims to make and Q is ready to back them up.  What say you? Do you think Shawn is the hottest rapper in Philly? Do you believe Q The Question is the next mogul on the rise?


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