How To Use Incentives To Sell More Music And Merch
By BreezyB215
When was the last time you bought two of something because if you bought one, the second was free (or half off)? PayLess sells a ton of shoes because of their BOGO (Buy One Get One) deal. Jordan makes a ton of sales when they offer three pairs in a bundle. BJ’s makes a ton of money offering products in bulk at lower prices. You get the point. Brands make a killing offering incentives everyday and this same technique can and should be used when promoting your music.
Whether you want fans to listen to your new song, check out your new video, share your new video, or subscribe to your mailing list, giving them an incentive to do so will get you better results. You’ll notice that there are some fans that are fully in tune with you. They’ll check for new music and go to your shows and be the first ones in line at the merch table, but new fans need more of an incentive.
Here are a few ways to get your fans involved and ultimately get that return on investment:
- Offer your music in a bundle. T-shirts usually cost $15-$25 and albums usually cost anywhere between $5 to $12, so how about offering your fans a t-shirt and a copy of your album for $20?
- Offer a signed copy of your album for the first 100 people that purchase it (maybe even make a house delivery).
- Offer exclusive incentives to anyone that subscribed to your mailing list. This gives fans an incentive to sign up. Whether it’s discounted merch, show tickets, or the offer is strictly available to those on your list, you’re bound to get more email sign ups when you treat them as VIP.
- Premiere your new video on your new website (if you’re just launching it) or on your new phone app. This will bring more views to your website and more downloads of your app.
- Give a free sticker (or pin, or shout out, etc.) to anyone that pre-orders your album.
- Offer discounted show tickets for a limited amount of time (or for a limited amount of people).
That’s just the beginning. There are many ways to market your music and see the return on investment that you deserve. The key is to plan it out. Think about what you want to accomplish, and then set up an incentive to make it happen. It may take some trial and error, but it’s a technique that’s been around for many years and will be around for years to come.
If you’re having some trouble or need help finding more creative ways to get your music out there, CONTACT US NOW.
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