Dr Dre, "Is It Time For DETOX"?

By Jae Supreme
With the apple deal inked and in the bag, Dr Dre now has the time and an ample war chest to fund any project he wants. Why not blow the dust off of DETOX - the rumored return album in the works for over 10 years.

The music business is a different animal from the time of the chronic releases.  People used to care about the actual music on an album / cd. Now in the time of "reality" TV and social networks, image is worth more than sound.  "Who u wit" is more important than the music you create.  Cross branding has become a necessity in order to be a "successful" artist.

Dr Dre's procrastination and/or reluctance to enter "DETOX" into the music industry's chaotic and mismanaged forum, could be the reason why it hasn't dropped yet.  For those of you who have heard "The Chronic" and "Chronic 2001" from the mythical forgotten days of "Real Hip Hop", you were witness to classic musical compositions not seen enough in this new era of the amalgamation of Hip Hop and pop music, which I call "HIP POP".  It seems like nowadays, "rappers" go out of their way to not be Hip Hop artist.  They wanna straddle the fence of Hip Hop and R&B.  Real rappers who are skilled in the true form of Hip Hop, have now been labeled ancient, extinct, even the term "old skool" is used quite often.

If Dr Dre is still the true Hip Hop producer and artist that we know him to be, and he decides to now give the world "DETOX" in a Hip Hop purist kinda way (meaning no over the top wanna be pop kinda records), the playing field will become leveled again for artists still creating Hip Hop music.

I don't know about you, but I've been unwillingly forced into this "bottle coppin - molly poppin" hip hop era........

It's time for DETOX !!!!!!!

Just a thought from: Queensbridge's Best Kept Secret - JAE SUPREME

cop that ILLMATIC XX now on itunes (if u haven't already)

also available LIFE WORK (Jae Supreme Discography) @ www.solovibesmusic.com


instagram: @jaesupremeqb 

twitter: @jaesupreme


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