Howedo - "F.U.S.A" (Fascist United States of America) Video

A lot of people are annoyed with what is going on in politics today. Howedo (aka Howedo pronounced "How-We-Do") is an emcee who is letting the world knows how he feels about fascism in America.  Peep what Howedo says below. 

"I take a no-holds bar approach in this song, titled "F.U.S.A." and leave nothing in the dark or to pure metaphor. I want the listener to feel my frustration, anger but also get a sense of hope that we will slowly achieve a critical mass in which fundamental change will come. But before we can reach critical mass we all need do our part in waking-up, waking others and spreading a sustainable world-view. "F.U.S.A." is a critical reflection of the zeitgeist which has affected us all, but more specifically it picks apart the bedrock of our social motivations (i.e Money) and our fundamental economic fallacies (i.e. fractional reserve banking)."

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