Producer Ray West has just released some new treats for all of you lovers of great music. Ray puts together a nice blend of soulful and jazzy samples along with some heavy drums in the background. As an avid music lover, this is the type of material I truly appreciate. It is obvious he is one of the many producers who have a great respect for the artists from the past as he stated in this interview I've conducted with him.
Here is an excerpt from Ray West: For sure. I think it's amazing... Whenever I listen to 70s jazz records and classics like Curtis I just transcend to that era. It always makes me think of what it was like in those studio sessions. During the 70s there was no computer, Pro tools etc. It must have been an amazing process.
Please support this brother and buy "Live From The Birds Nest" on BANDCAMP Artwork courtesy of Cern 1 of the YMI Crew.

SoloVibes Interviews Ray West
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