Interview with L.I.F.E Long (Courtesy of Intrigued Blogspot)

Interview with L.I.F.E. Long
Here is an interview with my dude L.I.F.E Long from the good folks at Intrigued. L.I.F.E always have something interesting to say. Check it out
1) L.I.F.E. Long in the building, what’s going on my dude?
Peace fam nuff respect for reaching out! I'm maintaining blessed! Grinding with this music and always looking to find new ways to connect with the listener!
2) Break down the acronym L.I.F.E. and what it means to you?
L.I.F.E. is an acronym for Living in Full Effect basically the state I'm always in. I try and live my life to the fullest and I am definitely always in effect and effective in what i do! My full name L.I.F.E.LOng is that I will be here forever even when I'm gone there will be a written story of myself thru the music! Life is music and i am life!
3) What separates your style from other artists?
I don't stay in a box with my music and I am not afraid to work with other artists. I think an artist looks too much at things that an artist should not worry about. Your job as an artist is to create! I try to create and not set any boundaries with my music. I also try and build with other artists instead of competing with other artists! I respect the culture and the art form!
4) What are the advantages of being an underground independent artist?
The advantage of being independent is basically no one is telling me what I can or can't do. I am my own boss! Which means I am able to control my fate rather then have some exec choose it for me!
5) Your album Longevity 1.5 was on an indie label in Europe. Why chose that route over an indie label in the states?
I was blessed to get the opportunity to put out an album while touring, I had talks with other labels in the states but at the time I wanted to build relations outside of the U.S. The LP longevity Vol 1.5 actually also got picked up in the states and was distributed byKoch records. It was definitely a learning experience!
6) You’re a member of Stronghold with Immortal Technique, C-Rayz Walz, Poison Pen and Breez Evaflowing. How that group did come about?
Stronghold was an idea that Breez evahflowin had back in the mid 90's! Basically he had the idea of Strength in Numbers to penetrate the game! We all used to hang out at the same spots so it was pretty much meant to be. Breez sparked the idea and we all agreed that it was an idea that could help us all grow as artists! Shout out to the original 5! Breez, Poison Pen,Walz,Stelf Index!
7) Compare the Waiting Game with Crossing the Globe?
The waiting Game LP i felt was more soulful and jazzy. While Crossing the Globe was that raw boom-bap 90's avant garde vibe. Crossing the globe was actually recorded before "The Waiting Game" because of the distance between myself and Big Ape it took longer to release that record because me and Ape were not in the same country.
8) You toured across the world. Many MC’s stated that they get more love from other countries but not the states. Any experiences with that.
I feel it depends on where you go. I have gotten love in certain states in the U.S. and have gotten that same love overseas as well. I feel like Overseas they have a different appreciation to the culture. It’s not really about a trend like how it is here in the states. Overseas they appreciate music not saying we don't over here it’s just a different vibe! Plus it’s a lot of love when you coming from the place that birthed hip-hop!
9) How was it working with Black Sparx on the Waiting Game?
Great experience! I recorded that LP during a time when i had just lost my job so i had a lot to say on that record. I felt like Black Sparx gave me the soundtrack that i needed to paint the picture! Shout out to the Beat Conductor Black Sparx! 10) What are your experiences working with producers overseas?
Good and Bad lol.... But mostly positive experiences, they go hard and they know their music and put their best down every time!
You can read the rest of this interview at INTRIGUED.BLOGSPOT.COM



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